Rage, panic, jealousy, misery- these are just a few emotions that people deal with on a day-to-day basis, or maybe some people only deal with them every once in a while. Or perhaps some people never have to deal with it at all. Whether a person deal with extreme emotion or not, it’s important to tame the extreme emotion in order to life a more optimistic life and for a person’s friends and family to gain trust and comfort around that person.

After dealing with extreme emotions, a person can live a happier lifestyle. For example, if a parent or teenager were to do away with their raging or jealousy, they wouldn’t have any worries emotionally. Jealousy wise, a person wouldn’t have the constant fear of someone having those new shoes that that person couldn’t afford, and that the “knock-off brand” they own isn’t sufficient for them. Instead, that person could be living worry-free, not caring if they don’t have all the new, cover-of-every-fashion-magazine-clothing. In the same way, getting rid of surprise explosions of rage or any other emotion, could guide a teen or adult towards a stress free life. They would never have to stress over what others thought about them if they didn’t have the sudden blasts of emotions, such as raging like a fire that can’t be tamed. Or being so jealous a person is like a gnawing animal just wanting more and more of what they don’t have.A person can have a positive outcome such as being worry and stress free after all the extreme emotions are dealt with.

Getting a handle on a person’s emotions can be difficult, but people want to have a trustworthy-comforting life around someone who is a stable-emotionally-free-type person. To illustrate, we see old, grumpy men on the highways of Texas that get what they call “road rage” and those “meddling kids” who drive too fast, when in reality, they’re going the speed limit! He’ll get up his steering wheel and speed up to those kids and start mumbling and yelling not even paying attention to the trembling kids in the back of truck. What the driver can’t see, is that those kids are uncomfortable to the point where they are afraid. He released his fury and scared his own children or grandchildren, proving that control of such emotions are important for the comfort of others. In addition, people want other people and their surroundings to be able to be around them without any problems what-so-ever. If an impatient mom is at the grocery store with all three of her young, rambunctious boys, she might snap and grab their arms and pull them aside. That might make the other people around that mom uncomfortable or even the two kids she didn’t pull aside. In all, it’s important to take care of these problems or short-tempered attitudes so we don’t put anyone in discomfort.

In conclusion, it’s important to deal with any kind of extreme emotion for it to allow us to be more optimistic, and live a more fun-filled life and live it to the fullest without any negativity. If a person were to tame back the lion of emotions inside, they could have more friends and family that could feel comfortable around them and trusted that the animal within them would stay calm and wouldn’t snap at any second. Dealing with an extreme emotion can be difficult and challenging, but it is important to that person and their surroundings.